Why Proterozoic Basins have so much Uranium worldwide?

The Proterozoic basins around the world shows higher uranium concentration and many deposits are also established in these basins. For example, Proterozoic Athabasca Basin and Thelon Basin; Canada, Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic McArthur Basin; Australia, Paleoproterozoic Roraima Basin; Guyana, Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic Cuddapah Basin and Neoproterozoic Bhima Basin; India etc. The physicochemical conditions are extensively studied … Read more

UnderstandingThe Difference Between Power Splitters And Power Dividers

Difference Between Power Splitters And Power Dividers

Introduction You may have had to tax the brain hard in classes while understanding the difference between power splitters and power dividers. Divide/split, sounds about the same, right? A three-resistor divider may be a little hard to tell apart from a two-resistor splitter other than this seemingly easy count and their blameworthy, almost similar-looking appearances … Read more

Coquina – Sedimentary Rock Definition and Composition

Florida Coquina

Coquina Definition Coquina is a detrital carbonate sedimentary rock composed wholly or chiefly of mechanically sorted fossil debris that experienced abrasion and transport before reaching the depositional site. Wentworth (1935) recommended a particle size greater than 2 mm. What type of rock is coquina? Coquina is a type of sedimentary rock that is primarily composed … Read more

Lake – Definition and types of lake

what is lake

What is lake? Any inland body of standing water occupying a depression in the Earth’s surface, generally of appreciable size (larger than a pond) . The water may be fresh or saline. The term includes an expanded part of a river, a reservoir behind a dam, or a lake basin intermittently or formerly covered by … Read more

Rock weathering – Definition, Type and Products of Weathering

rock weathering

Weathering is the breakdown and alteration of rocks at Earth’s surface through physical and chemical reactions with the atmosphere and the hydrosphere. Weathered rock or minerals will break down into smaller units and eventually disintegrate into even smaller particles. This takes place in two major ways: physical (or mechanical) and chemical weathering; to a lesser … Read more

Why gold is so costly and precious to mankind?

Gold is a precious metal. Gold was used by almost all the major civilizations in the world. For most culture, both past and present, it has been of a great economic importance. Gold has historically been the only universally accepted medium of exchange. What makes gold so valuable? The most important is its rarity, although … Read more

Geology of Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India

Aligarh is one of historical city in western Uttar Pradesh, India. It forms a part of the Central Ganga Basin and is underlain by the alluvium comprising clay, silt, sand and gravels of Quaternary age.The Indo-Gangetic Plain is the extensive alluvial plain of the Ganga, Indus and Brahmputra rivers and their tributaries and separates the … Read more



INTRODUCTION In areas where soil cover is thin, the location and testing of bedrock mineralisation is made relatively straightforward by the examination and sampling of outcrops. However in locations of thick soil cover such testing may involve a deep sampling program by pitting, trenching, or drilling. Pits and trenches can be a quick and cheap … Read more