Actinolite Mineral

actinolite mineral

Actinolite (ac-tin’-o-lite) is a bright-green or grayish-green monoclinic silicate mineral of the amphibole group: Ca2(Mg,Fe)5 Si8O22(OH)2. It may contain manganese. Actinolite is a variety of asbestos, occurring in long, slender, needlelike crystals and also in fibrous, radiated, or columnar forms in metamorphic rocks (such as schists) and in altered igneous rocks. Actinolite was named by … Read more

Types of Metamorphism – 9 examples

types of metamorphims

Metamorphism The mineralogical, chemical, and structural adjustment of solid rocks to physical and chemical conditions which have generally been imposed at depth below the surface zones of weathering and cementation, and which differ from the conditions under which the rocks in question originated. Metamorphism means to “change form,”. In other words, metamorphism is a process … Read more

What are Agents of Metamorphism?

agents of metamorphism

Three agents of metamorphism are temperature, pressure and chemically active fluids. Metamorphic rocks form by recrystallization in the solid state because of changes in temperature, pressure, or the composition of pore fluids. Agents of Metamorphism The process of metamorphism of rocks happens due to the effects of high temperature, pressure and chemically active fluids. These … Read more

Chemical Weathering – Examples, Types & Reactions

Chemical Weathering – Examples, Types & Reactions

Weathering of rocks is due to the processes of mechanical disintegration and chemical decomposition. It can happen due to different physical, chemical and biological factors of nature.

Chemical weathering is the process by which rocks are decomposed by chemical processes like Hydration, reduction, oxidation, carbonation, etc. All these can be discussed under chemical factors.

Unconformity and different types in Geology


Unconformity represents a period of erosion and deposition. Throughout Earth history, the deposition of sediment has been interrupted again and again. All such breaks in the rock record are called unconformities.

What are Fat Clays?

Definition of Fat Clays

Definition of fat clays It is fine grained soil. Fat clays are cohesive and compressible in nature with high plasticity and liquid limit of 50 or greater. It is symbolized as CH. Such type of clays contains high proportion of minerals that make it greasy to the feel. What are problems associated with Fat Clays? … Read more