What is propylite in Geology?

What is propylite in Geology?


Propylite (prop’-y-lite) is a hydrothermally altered andesite resembling a greenstone and containing calcite, chlorite, epidote, serpentine, quartz, pyrite, and iron oxides. The term was first used by Richthofen.

It is a low to medium-temperature metasomatic rock generally formed by the propylitic alteration of basic to intermediate volcanic rocks around hydrothermal ore deposits or by plate magmatic alteration.


Propylite (prop’-y-lite) is a hydrothermally altered andesite resembling a greenstone and containing calcite, chlorite, epidote, serpentine, quartz, pyrite, and iron oxides. The term was first used by Richthofen.

It is a low to medium-temperature metasomatic rock generally formed by the propylitic alteration of basic to intermediate volcanic rocks around hydrothermal ore deposits or by plate magmatic alteration.