Mohs Scale of Hardness

Mohs Scale of Hardness

Mohs’ scale of mineral hardness is named after Friedrich Mohs, a mineralogist who invented a scale of hardness based on the ability of one mineral to scratch another.

What is Mohs scale of hardness?

Mohs scale is standard of ten minerals by which the hardness of a mineral may be rated. Mohs scale of hardness is a chart of relative hardness of the various minerals which is ranging from 1 – softest to 10 – hardest. In other term, it is a measure of the relative hardness and resistance to scratching between minerals.

Mohs scale of hardness chart

Mohs’ scale of mineral hardness is named after Friedrich Mohs, a mineralogist who invented a scale of hardness based on the ability of one mineral to scratch another.

What is Mohs scale of hardness?

Mohs scale is standard of ten minerals by which the hardness of a mineral may be rated. Mohs scale of hardness is a chart of relative hardness of the various minerals which is ranging from 1 – softest to 10 – hardest. In other term, it is a measure of the relative hardness and resistance to scratching between minerals.

Mohs scale of hardness chart