Chert-Definition and Types

Chert is a sedimentary rock composed of granular cryptocrystalline silica.

Chert is a hard, extremely dense or compact, dull to semivitreous, microcrystalline or cryptocrystalline sedimentary rock, consisting dominantly of interlocking crystals of quartz less than about 30 mm in diameter.

It sometimes contains impurities such as calcite, iron oxide, and the remains of siliceous and other organisms. It has a tough, splintery to conchoidal fracture, and may be white or variously colored gray, green, blue, pink, red, yellow, brown, and black.

Chert occurs principally as nodular or concretionary segregations (chert nodules) in limestones and dolomites, and less commonly as areally extensive layered deposits (bedded chert).

chert sample