Apophysis in Geology – Formation and Significance


Apophysis Definition “Apophysis or epiphysis is an offshoot from a larger, intrusive body.” In geology, an apophysis is a projection or extension of a geological structure, such as a vein, a dike, or a mineral deposit, that extends from the main body into surrounding rocks. The term “apophysis” comes from the Greek word “apophyĚ„sis,” which … Read more

Granite rock, classification and origin


What is Granite? Granite is a coarse-grained plutonic igneous rock composed of about 25 percent quartz and roughly 65 percent feldspar, mostly potassium and sodium-rich feldspar. Quartz are roughly spherical in shape, are often glassy and clear to light gray in colour. Feldspar crystals are generally white to gray or salmon pink in colour and … Read more

Igneous Rocks – Definition, Classification and Examples

Igneous Rocks are formed by cooling or solidification of molten or partly molten material, i.e. from a magma or lava. Igneous rocks are first formed rocks which had made up the primodial earth’s crust. For this reason, they are called primary rocks. Origin of Igneous Rocks The igneous rocks are formed at high temperature directly … Read more